Brillnics H3 DRTM Technology
There are several approaches to obtaining high dynamic range (HDR), including a logarithmic response pixel, a linear-logarithmic response pixel, a dual photodiode pixel, a multiple exposure HDR scheme and single exposure HDR schemes. Among these approaches, Brillnics adopts the multiple exposure HDR scheme and/or single exposure HDR scheme.
Brillnics has introduced Brillnics H³ DRTM (Hybrid, High Fidelity, and High Speed Dynamic Range) technology with its first product, the BRV0200/0201, a high-performance 2.1M-pixel CMOS image sensor.
H³ stands for:
・Hybrid : Single exposure HDR (SE HDR) + Multiple exposure HDR (ME HDR)
・High Fidelity : No motion artifacts associated with the ME HDR scheme by activating the SE HDR mode and high quality HDR images with either ME HDR mode or SE HDR mode
・High Speed : Brillnics high-speed readout architecture
In the SE HDR mode, a set of two data from the same pixel is obtained. One is a lower response and the other a higher response, of which integration times are identical with no timing shift. Linearization using the two data is then performed, yielding a high-dynamic range digital signal. Unlike the ME HDR, where the integration start-timings for the lower response image and the higher response image are not identical, no motion artifacts appear with the SE HDR mode, as shown in the figure below, which was taken by Brillnics BRV0200.